Coming soon: more space, more coffee!
The Jumping Bean Café is expanding and that means more coffee and more café space in the QEII Library. The loudest construction work will occur from 6-9 a.m. with every effort to keep disruptions to a minimum throughout the day. The new and improved Café will open in January 2020.
The Café project team has considered the impact of noise around the Café expansion from the inception of the project and once it is complete we will continue to evaluate and monitor the space, as we do all spaces throughout the building, to ensure noise disruption is not out of the norm. Our building is a mixture of very quiet spaces, as well as areas that allow for collaboration and group work because that is now a very important part of course work.
Providing a positive learning and interactive environment is our goal and we are committed to providing students with services and spaces that cultivate their academic success.
We are always open to discussions about our services and spaces. We also learn so much from hearing from students about ways we can improve and continue to evolve to meet their needs. Contact us if you have comments or concerns.
Here is a list of other campus café locations with their hours of operation.
Thank you for your conintued patience as we work towards creating this new and improved Café.