First World War Artifacts: An Archival Perspective

The Archives and Special Collections Division maintains and provides access to a wide range of archival and special collections material. This lecture will show how Archives and Special Collections, with help from Memorial’s WW100 Committee processed, documented and preserved these materials for accessibility to any Internet user via the library’s website and digital archive.
When: Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018, 7:30-9:00pm
Where: IIC2001 Lecture Theatre, Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation
Presented by: David Mercer works at Memorial University Libraries where he provides expertise in geographic information systems software, map production and map reference in the library’s map room. He also processes and describes archival material for the Archives and Special Collections Division. Mr. Mercer is a member of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment Advisory Council and volunteers on its museum committee. He holds a master of science degree in geography from Memorial.
*This event is free and open to the public
*Free parking is available in Lot 1A