IT Service Update (August 28)

Update on Memorial University Libraries' IT Services (August 28, 2018)
New: PAB, Discography of Newfoundland and Labrador, and The MUN Folklore and Language Archive are available
In July, the Libraries experienced an unexpected power outage that affected its online services. Most services have been brought back online including our website, catalogue, e-journals and e-books, the Open Journal Systems (OJS), the Research Repository, The Periodical Article Bibliography (PAB), The Discography of Newfoundland and Labrador, and the MUN Folklore and Language Archive.
The ability to submit Electronic Theses, and Dissertations will be back online before the beginning of the fall semester.
Work on the DAI is progressing well but the sheer size and complexity of the restoration from digital backup copies is taking time. ITS teams from the Libraries and the University are engaged in this critical work. We will provide an update on August 31, 2018, or sooner if possible.
While digital copies are inaccessible, original source material remains available for most resources. We can help locate some documents and will make every effort to provide a digital copy of the resource where feasible.
Thank you for your patience while we work to restore all of our services.
Contact us with questions here.