Library Brown Bag: Shared Print Preservation and Access

Posted June 16, 2021
Library Brown Bag: Shared Print Preservation and Access
Members of the research community are invited to attend an upcoming workshop focused on shared print preservaton and access.
Date: June 22, 2021
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
This session is being offered via Webex.
Cooperative management of library collections is becoming important for preserving the cultural and scholarly record held in print. Libraries are investing in long-term preservation of, and access to, consolidated library collections. This session will introduce these programs and discuss how Memorial Libraries could contribute.
Over the past 10 years cooperative management of library collections has emerged as a viable means of preserving the cultural and scholarly record held in print. Early programs referred to the collective collection; however, the term shared print is more commonly used today. North American programs such as ReCap (Princeton, Harvard & the New York Public Library), the Eastern Academic Scholar’s Trust (80+ universities from Maine to Florida), Hathi Trust Shared Print (six US state university systems including the Big Ten as well as 100+ individual institutions), Keep@Downsview (University of Toronto, University of Ottawa, University of Western Ontario, McMaster University and Queen’s University) and COPPUL SPAN (22 Canadian academic libraries from the Prairie and Pacific provinces, including University of Alberta and University of British Columbia), all invest in long term preservation of, and access to, consolidated library collections. This session will introduce these programs and discuss how Memorial Libraries could contribute.
Speaker Bio:
Louise White has been a Collection Strategies Librarian in the QEII Library since October 2020. In previous positions within Memorial Libraries, Louise has worked closely with the Collections division on collection management projects. Louise was a member of the Canadian Collective Print Strategy Working Group, a joint working group of the Canadian Association of Research Libraries and Library and Archives Canada, which in September 2020 released its recommendations for the successful establishment of a national shared print network in Canada. She is currently working with the major facility based shared print program in Canada, Keep@Downsview, to establish whether membership in that program would be beneficial for Memorial as well as the current partners.