National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation - Orange Shirt Day
September 30th
What is Orange Shirt Day? Orange Shirt Day occurs as a result of Phyllis Webstad’s account of losing her new orange shirt on her first day at residential school. Learn more about Phyllis' story:
Why September 30th? The date was chosen because it is the time of year in which children were taken from their homes and sent to residential schools. We wear orange to honour the children who survived the residential school system and remember those that didn’t.
Learn more about Orange Shirt Day:
Events on Campus
(September 26th-29th, 2022)
There will be tables set up in the QEII Library, Bruneau Centre, University Centre, Core Science Facility and Science Building lobbies. Each will have resources about Orange Shirt Day/National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, smudging and Kullik lighting.
There will be space provided for members of the Memorial community to write and submit what they can do to further reconciliation, or ask questions about truth and reconciliation.
Smudging will occur at these locations:
9am Core Science Building
10am QEII Library
11am Science Building
12pm University Centre
2pm Bruneau Centre
Following the final smudging at the Bruneau Centre, there will be a campus walk to Juniper House where participants will have the opportunity to tie a ribbon onto the fence and trees on the front lawn in memory of the children who did not return home.
You can purchase orange shirts at the MUN Bookstore. Proceeds will go to the First Light Friendship Centre Healing Garden in honour of residential school survivors.
For more information, visit: (