Open educational resources (OER) grants are now available
The Council of Atlantic University Libraries (CAUL) is pleased to announce that the AtlanticOER Development Grants 2022 cycle is now open for applications. AtlanticOER Development Grants are intended to encourage and support educators in the Atlantic Region in the adaptation, adoption, creation, and curation of open educational resources (OER), and to increase access to course materials for students. Each grant is for up to $2,000 and is awarded to individuals, departments, groups, or institutions in the Atlantic Provinces to help achieve the following objectives:
- Support the creation or adaptation of open textbooks and ancillary materials, such as lab manuals, PowerPoint slides, quiz banks, images, and other digital study or interactive aids;
- Create a variety of OERs developed for use by educators and students in credit-bearing courses;
- Establish supportive events for the development of content for OERs, such as sprints (a collaborative in-person or virtual event to create or adapt an open textbook or ancillary resources); or
- Distribute funds to maximize direct benefit to a wide range of student learners and inquiry across a diversity of disciplines
Please note that for this funding cycle, grants will be awarded solely for textbooks and ancillary materials hosted on a Pressbooks Network. Preference will be given to textbooks or ancillary materials for undergraduate courses, for larger classes, in faculties with generally higher course costs, and in faculties underserviced by OERs.
For more information, visit or email Erin Alcock @ .