Thanks to our fundraisers

For 30 years Memorial University Libraries have been fundraising to support Iris Kirby House (IKH), a shelter for women and children who experience relationship abuse. The fundraising committee members change, people retire, new employees join, but there is always one constant – an understanding that helping women and children who experience relationship abuse is vitally important.
To date, we have raised about $130,000 dollars through raffles, bake/craft sales, monthly 50/50 draws, and fall flea markets over the last 30 years. The shelter, for its part, continues to provide crucial housing and support services for women and children each year. On December 21st, IKH board members Lynn Moore and Sister Sharon Fagan came to the Queen Elizabeth II Library to accept a cheque for $6,500, as well as some gift cards collected from recycling efforts during 2016.
We would like to thank our amazing fundraising committee: Juanita Frye, Stephanie Williams, Ann Sanger, Sandra Mills, Donna Doucette, Debbie Andrews, Stacey Penny, and Lorraine Jackson. This team of volunteers worked tirelessly throughout the year to maintain the fundraising momentum. We would also like to this opportunity to thank all those employees, faculty, and students who contributed to this year’s efforts.