
TransStories: Selections from the Transgender Archives, University of Victoria, will be on display at the QEII Library from October 5 to November 9.
The University of Victoria's Transgender Archives (TGA), founded by Dr. Aaron Devor in 2011, is the world’s largest collection of transgender archival materials. The exhibit of materials from this collection was made possible through a joint project by Dr. Ailsa Craig, associate professor in Memorial University's Department of Sociology, and Jeannie Bail, Acting Special Collections Librarian at the Queen Elizabeth II Library.
Dr. Craig and Jeannie Bail will be presenting a talk on TransStories, social justice work through libraries and archives, at an upcoming conference of the Newfoundland and Labrador Library Association. The talk will focus on some of the major donations to the collection, the types of materials found in the archives and the importance of finding and preserving trans history and connecting it with contemporary local communities.
The exhibit is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Jeannie Bail.