Update: Keep@Downsview

June 8, 2022
Memorial University Libraries became an associate member of the Keep@Downsview partnership in September 2020 as part of its ongoing efforts to improve long-term collection preservation and access through creative and innovative management strategies.
The Queen Elizabeth II Library began examining its low use journal backruns for inclusion in the Keep@Downsview preservation and access program in February 2022. To date 755 journals across all disciplines have been evaluated.
From those journals we have identified 1,900 volumes not already held in the Downsview collection. These volumes will be Memorial University Libraries first contribution to the shared collection housed in the Downsview preservation facility.
Through the same process we are using to identify volumes for contribution we have also identified 3,100 volumes which have already been contributed by another partner library. Having considered the options outlined for duplicated journal volumes we have determined that recycling is the most responsible option. That process will begin over the summer of 2022.
Access to any journal content not held locally is available through the document delivery network of which the shared collection at Downsview is part.
Learn more about Memorial University Libraries’ membership in Keep@Downsview.
For more details please see contact Memorial University Libraries Collection Strategies Division at collections@mun.ca.