“Whose Data Is It, Anyway?”

(Posted Jan. 30) 

Welcome to Love Data Week 2025!

This year's theme is "Whose Data Is It, Anyway?"

February 10 - 14, 2025

"Take a minute to think about who owns data compared to who uses data. Different groups - like researchers, the government, companies, or organizations - may collect data. They could own it, share it, publish it online, or combine it. This year's Love Data Week wants us to ask 'Whose Data is it Anyway?' This helps us remember to think about where the data came from before using it." -  https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/about/cms/3799

Visit the LoveData Library Guide created by Dalhousie Libraries for a schedule of online events happening in Atlantic Canada. 

If you’d like help writing a data management plan, publishing your data or need help with any aspect of research data management, please contact Research Data Management librarian, Alison Farrell at alisonr@mun.ca.

 Sign up for email updates at https://myumi.ch/ICPSRLoveDataWeekIntl. #LoveData25