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Database Indexes by Title


PAB : Newfoundland periodical article bibliography
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: 1668-present available online:
Index - Bibliography covering more than 90,000 periodical articles relating to Newfoundland and Labrador -- Maintained by the Centre for Newfoundland Studies, Memorial University Libraries.
PAIS index
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1915-present available online:
User Guide
Index - Covers international policy oriented literature: economics, finance, law, education, the military, political science, public administration, international relations, social policy, the environment, demography, public health, science & technology - Comprises 625,800 records describing journal articles, conference papers, books, government documents, statistical directories, and more.
PANGAEA : publishing network for geoscientific & environmental data

Coverage: 2000-present available online:
Catalogue - information system to archive, publish and distribute data from global change research with special emphasis on paleoclimatic, marine and environmental sciences.
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: 1850-present available online:
Index, full-text - multi-disciplinary aggregator of open access journals & papers: both gold & hybrid - access more than 1.2 million articles in 4,200+ journals from hundreds of disciplines: sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, humanities & the arts.
papers of Joseph Chamberlain
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1836-1914:
"Winston Churchill once wrote that Joseph Chamberlain "made the weather" in British politics. Through his radical ideals he split both the main British parties, the Liberals by opposing Home Rule for Ireland, and the Conservatives over tariff reform. The Papers of Joseph Chamberlain highlight his political career as Mayor of Birmingham to Secretary of State for the Colonies and the fight over tariff reforms with which he ended his career. This collection demonstrates the rapid change in politics, particularly the constant change in allegiances between politicians and Chamberlain's own development as a politician. Newspaper clippings of his early speeches, the only record still existing of them, can also be found in this collection, recording his political career from start to finish. Joseph Chamberlain established a model that politicians and pundits still use to classify and judge the performance of Britain's political leaders. He commonly heads the list for most outstanding states ma
papers of Neville Chamberlain
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1869-1940:
Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940) remains the best-known of the Chamberlain family due to his controversial policy of "appeasement" towards Hitler. The Papers of Neville Chamberlain contain political papers documenting his policies as Chancellor of the Exchequer and Prime Minister, but also highlight his personal correspondence with his family. These provide insight into the intentions behind his policies, his concerns at the development of the Second World War, as well as letters covering his life together with his wife Annie and his sisters, particularly Hilda and Ida. The correspondence of his wife with his biographer and the handling of his estates following his death can be found in this collection as well.
papers of Sir Austen Chamberlain
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1863-1937:
Sir Austen Chamberlain (1863-1937) was the ablest Foreign Secretary of the interwar period, earning the Nobel Peace Prize for the signing of the Locarno Treaties in 1925. As a career politician, he held a variety of government offices, and The Papers of Sir Austen Chamberlain contains political papers that variously document his policies as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Leader of the House of Commons. These provide insight into the intentions behind his policies, the development of foreign affairs for both the First and Second World Wars, and his role in the wartime coalition government. The papers also include personal correspondence with his family, including his sister and wife, and highlight his close friendship with his stepmother, Mary Endicott.
Papers of the Nixon administration : the President's confidential and subject special files, 1969-1974
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1969-1974:
This publication consists of documents of an administratively-sensitive nature, arranged according to subject from President Nixon's Special Files collection, comprising the Confidential and Subject Files. These documents provide an in-depth look into the activities of the President, his closest advisors, and the administration. These records support the behind-the-scenes historical inquiry into an administration that may well be the most significant one since World War II and one of the most important in the 20th century.
Parker Library on the web
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: 6th to 18th century available online:
Index, images - Illuminated manuscripts + Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman & Middle-English texts, and other manuscripts - Covers literature, theology, music, medieval travelogues & maps, apocalypses, bestiaries, royal ceremonies, historical chronicles & Bibles.
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1998-present available online:
Statistics, full-text - online market research tool monitoring industry trends - global market analyses, data on business enterprises, consumer market sizes, country marketing data, marketing forecasts, consumer lifestyles, companies & brands, business information sources, major market profiles - includes full-text of Euromonitor market research reports
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: Unspecified coverage available online:
This facility allows you to search a wealth of international patent applications and to view the latest information and documents available to the International Bureau.
Patriotes aux armes! = (Patriots to arms!) : the underground resistance in France, Belgium, Holland, and Italy, 1939-1945
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1939-1945:
This collection consists of newspapers and periodicals; broadsides; leaflets; and books and pamphlets and other documents produced by or relating to the underground resistance in France, Belgium, Holland, and Italy.
Patrologia Latina : the full text database
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1844-1865 available online:
Full-text - Electronic version of the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina, published between 1844-1855, and the four volumes of indexes published between 1862-1865. The Patrologia Latina comprises the works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 A.D. to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216.
Periodicals archive online
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1802-2002 available online:
User Guide
Index, Full Text - Complete back files for 700+ journals comprising more than 3 million articles / 15 million pages - International, multilingual collection composed of key journals from 37 subject areas in the humanities & social sciences
Periodicals index online
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1665-2000 available online:
User Guide
Index - Covers more than 20 million articles published by 6,000+ periodicals in 37 key subject areas of the humanities & social sciences - encompasses three centuries of scholarly publication in over 60 languages & dialects.
PhilPapers : philosophical research online
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1980-present available online:
User Guide
Index - comprehensive index covering 1 million philosophy articles, pre-prints and books - Philpapers' index and its archive are integrated with its structured bibliography which organizes most entries into 4,988 topics at different levels of generality.
Pioneers post

Intelligent journalism for social entrepreneurs, impact investors and mission-driven businesses around the world.
Play index
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1949-present available online:
User Guide
Index - Covers 30,000+ published plays from antiquity to present - Play titles, authors, subjects and genres - Casting and age limits - Includes links to find the play in a book and to find related Web resources.
Poems & poets
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: 1900-present available online:
Index, Full text -- Search for poems by poet, category, occasion, title, first line, glossary term, country or keyword - sponsored by the Poetry Foundation.
Poland : records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1963
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1945-1963:
After the Second World War Stalin's highest priority in Eastern Europe was the takeover of Poland. The rigged elections in January 1947 followed by the merger of the Communist and Socialist parties in December 1948 assured the complete Communist takeover of the country. The new regime exercised near total control over society and established a command economy. Hence, for example, documents on internal security force activities in 1949 note "intensified attacks by Anglo-American imperialism." The documents here are sourced from the Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State. The records are under the jurisdiction of the Legislative and Diplomatic Branch of the Civil Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.
Policy file index
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1990-present available online:
Index, abstracts, full-text - find information on both sides of a public policy debate in 200,000 reports from 350+ public policy think tanks, nongovernmental organizations, research institutes, university centers, advocacy groups & other entities, e.g. Hoover Institution, International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, RAND Corporation - over 75 public policy topics are covered; organizational types & their political leaning can be searched.
Political science database
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1985-present available online:
User Guide
Index, abstracts, full-text - covers the literature of political science and international relations, including comparative politics, political economy, international development, environmental policy, & hundreds of related topics - indexes more that 500 publications, including 300 full-text scholarly journals.
Pop culture universe : icons, idols, ideas
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1900-present available online:
Index, full-text - explore topics related to American popular culture: music, television, film, art, fashion, recreation & sport - search or browse by decade, topic or subject - covers books & book chapters, newspaper & magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, biographies, maps, images, videos, primary documents & more.
PQDT open
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: 1964-present available online:
User Guide
Index, full-text - covers 38,000+ open access dissertations & theses - the authors of these dissertations have opted to publish their work as open access & make their research available for free on the open Web.
Practice-based evidence in nutrition : PEN
Internet access available to MUN users only.
PEN is a fully searchable, full-text database of information about dietetics, developed from key practice questions and evidence-based answers, with links to tools and resources consistent with the evidence. Knowledge pathways are grouped under four broad Practice Categories: Population Health/Lifecycle; Health Condition/Disease; Food/Nutrients; Professional Practice.
PRIMO : peer-reviewed instructional materials online database
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: 2001-present available online:
Full-text - peer-reviewed instructional materials created by librarians to teach people about discovering, accessing and evaluating information in networked environments - tutorials cover a wide variety of topics from a general overview of the research process to the specifics of how to navigate a psychology database.
Prints & photographs online catalog

Coverage: Varying dates available online:
Catalogue - Catalogue records and digital images held by the Prints & Photographs Division other units of the Library of Congress - Note that this is not an exhaustive listing of the holdings of the Prints & Photographs Division.
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: 2006-present available online:
Index - Extensive conference proceedings database, containing listings of thousands of printed conference publications from hundreds of technical associations and societies.
Project Gutenberg online book catalog
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: Varying dates available online:
Catalogue - Over 33,000 electronic books freely available to download in a variety of languages.
Project Muse
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1960-present available online:
User Guide
Index, full-text - leading provider of digital humanities & social science content for the scholarly community - Complete, full-text articles in academic journals from 200+ university presses & learned societies + indexing for their scholarly books.
ProQuest Central
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1665 to present available online:
User Guide
Index, abstracts - international coverage for 175 subject areas, featuring scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, books, videos & more - aggregated full-text database comprising thousands journals + 2,000 newspapers, 100,000 theses, 455,000 working papers, millions of up-to-date company reports, market & industry reports, and country profiles.
ProQuest dissertations & theses global
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1637-present available online:
User Guide
Index, abstracts, full-text - comprises 4.6 million detailed records describing dissertations & theses from around the world - comprehensive historic & ongoing coverage for North American works + significant international coverage - full-text for 2.1 million graduate works added since 1997 + strong retrospective full-text coverage - abstracts available: dissertations 1980- ; master's theses 1988- ; simple bibliographic citations from 1637 + 24-page dissertation / thesis previews when available.
ProQuest ebook central
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1960-present available online:
Index, full-text - comprises 36,600+ ebooks, most from Cambridge University Press, Oxford UP, Springer and Taylor & Francis - covers all academic subjects.
ProQuest historical annual reports
MUN coverage is 1844-2008 only.
Coverage: 1844-2008 available online:
Database offers corporate annual reports for U.S. companies from 1884 to the present. Key data (financial, Fortune 500 ranking, industry classification, key people, geographic location, auditor, and related companies) are indexed in the citation and can be searched. Reports can be browsed by company name, related names industry or date. Cross-searchable to other historical periodical databases.
ProQuest historical newspapers. The globe and mail
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1844 to 4 years ago available online:
Full Text, Images - Over 1.4 million pages from Canada's national newspaper - Coverage includes every news story, photograph, map, advertisement, classified ad, political cartoon, birth and death notice, and more -- breadth / depth of content make it a vital tool for Canadian studies.
ProQuest historical newspapers. The Irish times and the Weekly Irish times
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1859 to 2 years ago available online:
User Guide
Index, full-text - explore 150 years of Ireland's turbulent history, rich culture, & complex political climate - comprehensive news reporting, along with sports, business, arts, lifestyle coverage, & more from The Irish Times & its related periodicals.
ProQuest historical newspapers. The Toronto star
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1894 to 2 years ago available online:
Full Text - Includes every page of every newspaper issue: -news that shaped each day + editorial & opinion articles, business pages, political cartoons, photos, advertisements, classified ads, obituaries, birth & marriage notices - Browse by date or search by keyword(s) or phrase - Retrieves PDF images of relevant pages.
ProQuest one literature

Coverage: Unspecified coverage available online:
Full-text -- Includes 1,200 full-text journals, 500,000 primary works, 20,000 historic literary criticism sources, 1,300 videos, and 20,000 ebooks.Current scholarship available from 14,000 dissertations and thesis.
ProQuest social sciences premium collection
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1915-present available online:
User Guide
Index, abstracts - Includes databases covering international literature in the social sciences: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts + International Bibliography of the Social Sciences + PAIS International + Worldwide Political Science Abstracts + Social Services Abstracts + Sociological Abstracts + ERIC + Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts + PILOTS ( Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress) - Provides bibliographic access to journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, working papers.
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1894-present available online:
Index, Abstracts, Full text - General psychology and specialized basic, applied, clinical, and theoretical research in psychology in areas including animal behavior, cognition, memory, neuroscience, perception, physiological psychology, psycholinguistics, psychometrics, social and personality psychology.
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1600-present available online:
Full Text - more than 38,000 PDF chapters from over 2,500 psychology ebooks - hundreds of current APA books; 1,600+ classic books of landmark historical impact in psychology - 1,500 authored entries from the APA "Encyclopedia of Psychology".
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1956 to present available online:
Full Text - Book reviews covering more than 40,000 scholarly and professional books in psychology - Reviews from a psychological perspective of popular films and trade books.
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1910 to present available online:
Index, Abstracts, Full Text - 170,000 records describing gray literature relating to psychology and the behavioral sciences - Technical, annual & government reports, conferences papers, magazines, newspapers, consumer brochures and more.
Psychological warfare and propaganda in World War II : air dropped and shelled leaflets and periodicals
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1939-1945:
This publication collection consists of over 1,000 air dropped and shelled leaflets and periodicals created and disseminated during the Second World War. The majority of items in this collection were printed by the Allies then air or container dropped, or fired by artillery shell over German occupied territory. Many leaflets and periodicals have original publication codes and were printed in over 10 languages. Only shelled leaflets, Germans to Allies (115 items), are in English.
Psychology & behavioral sciences collection
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1930-present available online:
Index, abstracts, full-text - comprises 1.1 million records describing articles from academic psychology journals & magazines + book reviews - covers emotional & behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology & observational / experimental methods - full-text publications are indexed in PsycINFO; full-text for some titles is delayed 6 months to 1 year.
Psychology database
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1920-present available online:
User Guide
Index, abstracts, full-text - comprises 1.97 million records describing articles on behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial & social psychology from scholarly / trade journals, magazines, news wires, books, theses, etc. - also covers genetics, psychology of business & economics, communication, criminology, addiction, neurology, social welfare & more + 307 brief training videos to help bridge theory & practice.‎
Internet access unrestricted.
PTSDpubs, formerly known as PILOTS, is a freely available, bibliographic database providing access to the worldwide literature on PTSD and other mental health consequences of traumatic events.
Publications warehouse
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: 1880-present available online:
Variable coverage (some full text) - Over 75,000 citations - Covers publications of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Includes articles, books, book chapters, reports, maps, and other publications.
Internet access available to MUN users only.
Coverage: 1948-present available online:
User Guide
Index, abstracts - Over 24 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals - Covers medicine, biomedicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences - Includes links to databases and related resources from NCBI - Links to articles available though Memorial University Libraries have been added.
PubMed : [open access]
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: 1948-present available online:
User Guide
Variable coverage - Over 20 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals - Covers medicine, biomedicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences - Includes links to databases and related resources from NCBI - Links to articles available though Memorial University Libraries have been added. [OPEN ACCESS version for REMOTE, NON-MUN users].
PubMed central : an archive of life science journals
Internet access unrestricted.
Coverage: Varying dates available online:
Full Text - Over 1000 journals - The U.S. National Institutes of Health free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature - Access to full text is free, except when a journal requires a subscription for access to recent articles.
Punctum books
Internet access unrestricted.
A collection of open access ebooks spanning a variety of disciplines. punctum books is devoted to authors working in the humanities, social sciences, and fine arts who publish books that take experimental risks with the forms and styles of intellectual writing.

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